Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 History Notes

 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10  History Chapter 1 Notes

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History is one of the important subject of class 10th of the CBSE because it is a crucial sub-subject of social studies CBSE class 10 History notes chapter 1 - The Rise of Nationalism in Europe ... The concept " Nationalism" Means The feeling of Patriotism

Rise of Nationalism in Europe

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10  History Chapter 1 Notes

Important Dates to Learn -



1789 - French Revolution
1797  - Napoleon invades Italy and also Napoleonic wars begin
1804 - Napoleon code
1813 - Napoleon lost the battle of Leipzig
1814- Napoleonic Wars, fail of Napoleon
1815 - Vienna congress took place
1821 - Independence movement of Greek against the Ottoman Empire.
1821 - Nationalism sparked off amongst the Greeks

1846 - Uprising in Greater Poland

1859-1861 Unification of Italy

1863 Polish National Revolt
1866-1871 - Unification of Germany led by Otto Von Bismarck
1867 Autonomy established in Hungary
1905 - Slav nationalism gathers force in the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires.


A Feeling of Love or Pride for your Country. Europe is Not a Country. It is a Continent.
Chapter starts from this beautiful Picture

Name of this Picture - The Pact Between Nation (friendship between nations)

Message - The Dream of Democratic and Social Republic
When and Who Made this Picture?
In 1848, Fredric Sorrieu, a French Artist Prepared a Series of Four

prints Visualising his dream.
(Fredric made four pictures from his imagination, he tried to show such a world in those four pictures. Tried where all the countries have become independent i.e. rule of the people by removing the kings)
The People of Europe and America – Men and Women of all ages and
Social Classes marching on a long train and offering homage to the
Statue of Liberty 

 Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty holds a Torch of Enlightenment in one
hand and the Charter of the Rights of Man in another Hand.
- Torch of Enlightenment represents Freedom and Liberty.
- Charter of Right of Man Represents

Lord Jesus Christ is Blessing
These are the remains of
Absolutist Institutions.

Absolutist Means -
- The king who ruled under his control, that too here with his own But those who have been redeemed belong to those kings only.

Utopian Vision –

- A vision of a society that is so ideal that it is difficult to actualize existence. (A society has been imagined which is very difficult to make in this picture) In 19th Century, the Idea of Nationalism in Europe came very strongly. So there is lot of Nation-States are formed in the place of Monarchy Nation State A Group of People with the same culture, language, history etc. who formed an independent country.

The French Revolution & Idea of Nation

1) French Revolution starts in 1789 in France.
2) Kings ruled in 1789
3) People were very upset.
4) So, The French Revolutionaries started Protest(िवरोध)
against Monarchy.
5) Create a sense collective Identities among French People.
(People of France were asked to identify themselves)

Major Changes during French Revolution -
i) Idea of La Patrie(The Fatherland) and Le Citoyen(the citizen)
(France is like a father to the soil and we all here We are citizens of – we have the right to equality should meet)

New French Flag

iii) Estates General was elected by the Active Citizens and
renamed National Assembly
Active Citizens – People who pay tax, Age is above 25, Only men

iv) New Hymns were composed, and Oaths (कसम खाना) (taken

v) Centralized administration system was put and it formulated
uniform laws for all Citizens.

(equal law for all not made).
vi) Internal customs duties(tax) and dues were abolished

vii) Uniform system of weights and measures were adopted
(A permanent system of weights and measures was created)

viii) French became the National Language
Now the Revolutionaries declared that they help people of Europe
to become Nations.

(The rule of the kings in France had come to an end  France now wanted kings all over Europe end of rule)

When the News Events in France reached the different cities of
- Students and Educated Middle Class People formed Jacobin

Jacobin Clubs

 – It is a political club formed to discuss government
With the help of Jacobin Club members the revolutionaries of
French armies enters into Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy
in 1790.
The French armies began carry the idea of Nationalism to abroad.

Napoleon in France (1799). 

In 1799 Napoleon comes to France.
2) He ruled France from 1799 to 1815.
3) He also implemented these changes in the neighboring countries
of France.

(Napoleon also implemented these changes in the countries around France)
4) In 1804, He brought Civil Code or Napoleonic Code.
Provisions/ Benefits of Napoleonic Code or Civil Code
i) Everyone will be considered equal before Law.

iv) Freed peasants from serfdom.
(law Not all people are equal in the eyes) 

iRight to Property. (right to property) iii) Terminated the Feudal System. (Lower caste people used to work under upper caste people, it was abolished)
v) Guild restrictions removed.

vi) Transport and communication systems were improved.
Seeing the Civil Code, the people of France started to understand Napoleon very well.

Drawbacks of Napoleonic Code or Civil Code
i) Increased Tax

ii) Censorship was imposed

iii) Forced to join French Army

The Making of Nationalism in Europe French Revolution in 1789.

1) Europe had no Nation-State in 1750.
2) At that time Germany, Italy and Switzerland were not like today's countries It was divided into different parts, in which kings used to rule.
3) The Habsburg empire ruled over Austria Hungary. 

Places where Habsburg empire ruled and Language -
Language Spoken
Tyrol, Austria, Sudetenland, Bohemia
Lombardy, Hungary
Italian, Magyar, Dialects
How did Nationalism and the Idea of Nation emerge(
So that time Society was divided into 3 divisions
Aristocracy Peasants
 Middle Class

1) Aristocracy -

- They are Higher Class or Rich People
- They are small in group but very powerful
- They had a lot of Land and Property
- They spoke French Language

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